CIB & NAPM Keynote Speaker (PDF)
CIB Featured Newsletter 2008 (PDF)
CIB Oregon (PDF)
Audio File
The Contractors Information Bureau is the private agency to foster international,
and national sales of U.S. design and global construction expertise.

It's not what CIB is, It's what CIB does.

Assisting individuals, consumers, contractor trades, professionals, and government in the business technology, research & development, workforce, consumer protection, and project opportunity needs of the “construction industry."

Mountain Region (406) 266-8031
West Coast Region (503) 568-7461
East Coast Region (315) 307-0262
Southern Region (512) 704-8684
Contractors Information Bureau

H.Q. - Kalispell, Montana USA
P.O. Box 10002 – 59904